Sunday 25 June 2017

Berry harvest time is upon us again!

I do like our garden – I doubt it would ever make it into any self-respecting country garden magazine, but it is a lovely wilderness of berry bushes and fruit trees that provide us with delicious, organic fruit from June all the way through to the winter (one of our apple trees keeps its fruit on until well into December!)

The raspberries are already well on their way. We eat them fresh off the bushes by the handfuls and enjoy them with yogurt, ice-cream or cream.

Sunday 21 May 2017

A family of swans

We just saw a swan family on our walk, but didn't have a camera with us. It reminded me, however, of an encounter we had two years ago in the Lake District. We were staying at Low Wray Campsite and came 'up close and personal' to this swan family.

It was a similar time of year around the end of May in the half-term holidays. Early in the day, in the light of the morning sun - it was magical! They didn't seem to mind at all that I was constantly pointing my camera at them and clicking away merrily.

Such graceful creatures! Have a look - hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Spring Birthday Season

It’s our spring Birthday season again, with three of us having our Birthdays in close succession, and a few more Birthdays among our extended family and friends. We do like Birthdays! And baking cakes! And eating them, of course… I admit that we regularly suspend any healthy eating attempts by starting each Birthday with a breakfast that basically consists of a massive slice of Birthday cake (orange juice and/or hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows are optional extras!)

Sunday 8 January 2017


Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a lovely holiday season and also saw some winter weather.

While we didn’t get any snow, we were lucky enough to have some frosty mornings, on which the world around us was
transformed into a magically glittering wonderland.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Happy Christmas!

 "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy
that will be for all the people.
Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you;
he is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:10-11

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas! 

Thursday 15 December 2016

Deck the Halls...

Out of all the festive times throughout the year, Christmas is definitely our favourite. We love the atmosphere, the candle light, the decorations, the aroma of freshly baked biscuits and the scents of pine needles, frankincense and gingerbread.

Friday 25 November 2016

The Shoe Box Aquarium

The first time I came across a shoe box aquarium was many years ago, when I made one myself with the help of my nursery school teacher. I still remember how proud I was in my 5-year-old self to have made something that looked so ‘real’. 

Although the piece in question is no longer in existence, it stuck in my memory ever since, and when our children were little, we made our own – see photograph. This one also dates back quite some time now (9 or 10 years) and is one of the many art & craft treasures we keep in our attic.

The shoe box aquarium is an exciting activity which can be completed over a few days. It involves a variety of skills and is a great way of introducing slightly bigger art projects, as it takes several steps to complete it.

What you need: